Neato Stuff

for geek

Control your TV in style with this awesome Doctor Who inspired Sonic Screwdriver.

Sep 15 12
for $100 to $500,him

Read the bounty hunter pro-tip and impress your geek friends with these awesome trays.

Aug 25 11
for him,less than $20

And now you know. Awesome T for some awesome G.I. Joe cred.

Feb 9 11
for him,less than $20

Charges up to 6 USB devices at once. It’s kinda crazy, but many of us will find this very useful.

Jul 17 08
for $20 to $50,him

Hi Mario. Where’s Luigi?

Jun 27 08
for $20 to $50,him

It’s remote controlled, it makes noises, it recoils when fired upon. He will love it.

Jun 2 08
for $50 to $100,him

Four extra USB ports, it even folds up.

May 22 08
for $20 to $50,him

Build your own action figure. It is so much more grown up than GI Joe.

May 14 08
for him,less than $20

We’ve come a long way in 30 years. From Apple I to the iPhone.

Apr 30 08
for him,less than $20

Play games at work panic free.

Mar 3 08
for him,less than $20

Just in case you wondered.

Feb 8 08
for $20 to $50,baby

Bookmarks made from the production inner-layers used to make circuit boards. The patterns are great and they are thin enough to be translucent. My new favorite bookmark.

Jan 17 08
for him,less than $20

Articulated and artistic. Assorted colors. Get a few so they can play together.

Jan 3 08
for him,less than $20

A great idea made from actual recycled circuit boards. The designs and build quality are very high. A great gift for your geek.

Jan 2 08
for handmade,him,less than $20

A glowing animated display dynamically illustrates the 802.11 signal strength in your area, and the fact that you are a true geek.

Dec 31 07
for $20 to $50,him